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Fresh Hope Welcomes Annika Schaefer

By February 22, 2021No Comments

We are very pleased to welcome Annika Schaefer to our Fresh Hope Counselling team. With all the stress, uncertainty and struggles intensified by the pandemic, requests for counselling help have increased significantly. We want to be able to help meet the needs of those who are struggling. In order to do so, we are expanding our staff team to include Mrs. Annika Schaefer, a Psychotherapist with 20 years counselling experience. She began her work primarily in residential and church settings in pastoral care and eventually returned to Germany with her family. In 2015, she completed advanced training and was issued her German license to perform Mental Health Counselling as a Psychotherapist. Since that time, Annika has worked in a counselling centres and her own private practice. She is an experienced and gifted Therapist who has worked with children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.

Annika is excited to join our Fresh Hope team and provide counselling for individuals, couples and families. She has a passion to help people find their way through the struggles they are facing. Her welcoming manner puts people at ease and helps create that essential Therapist-Client alliance where a person can safely work on the things they want to change.

We know you will appreciate the varied experience, training and passion that Annika brings to her clients. She uses a mix of therapeutic approaches including behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, systems approach and solution-focused. She is also a skilled Christian Counsellor for those with a faith perspective, seeking to have that included in their counselling journey. Check out the rest of her bio on our Fresh Hope Counselling website:

Welcome Annika!
