Wearing a mask is highly recommended these days due to this unprecedented pandemic we are experiencing. I thought I'd take advantage of the whole mask thing to talk about the…
New Growth is something most of us would like to have. This is our Christmas cactus, Six Fingered Sam. He was left in a vacant office for months with no…
Feeling stuck is not a nice place to be, especially if you have been there for a long time. Cambridge dictionary defines stuck as 'being unable to move from a…
On June 1st, Fresh Hope Counsellors and staff will be participating in the 3rd Defeat Depression Walk in Edmonton. I am actually getting quite excited about this campaign. Not just…
Hating yourself might seem like an inconsequential thing. Who does it really hurt besides you? The problem with hating yourself is that it not only hurts you but those around…
This is a very important question to determine when it comes to depression. Situational depression is something that most of us face at some point in our lives. It is…
Putting boundaries in place can feel like you are being rude but they are actually a self-protective, defensive move. Sometimes we need to putĀ a boundary or limit into place in…
Change is a great idea but sometimes that's as far as it goes. Alcoholic's Anonymous is believed to be the source of a great quote "The definition of insanity is…
Becoming more resilient is a good investment of time and energy. We often don't stop and think about resiliency as something that we can influence or build. Have you ever…
Many people are quick to stuff their emotions or deny them. Sometimes this is a long standing behaviour, a habit that a person has developed or a defence mechanism. I've…